Dear colleagues, combat sworn brothers!
On the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation as well as the 72nd anniversary of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War, we honor our veterans, recalling the tragic pages of the bloodiest war in the history of mankind with pain and sadness.
We bow low to those who laid their lives for the sake of native land, who courageously fought on the frontlines, selflessly worked in the rear area, approached a Great Victory day by day. A cherished memory of them will remain forever in our hearts.
Today, the combat actions continue in the East of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people, having inherited heroic deeds of grandfathers and great-grandfathers, defend sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine with arms in hands. Displaying courage, endurance and self-sacrifice, the best sons and daughters of Ukraine are standing up against insidious enemy.
I am confident, we will overcome an imperial aggression and will won because moral courage of the Ukrainian warriors and unshakeable faith are insuperable!
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to its heroes!
Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
Major General Vasyl BURBA