A free occupational adaptation is offered to the ATO participants
March 26, 2016
As "Narodna Armiya", the Ministry of Defense edition informs
A free occupational adaptation is offered to the ATO participants

State Service of Ukraine on Affairs of War Veterans and Antiterrorist Operation Participants offers the ATO participants a roadmap to ensure social and professional adaptation. The ATO participant receives the right to such a free service from the moment of the war veteran status acquirement.

To receive a service, the ATO participant should apply to the rayon administration for social protection of the population, according to the place of his registration or according to the place of actual residence. There, the ATO participants will be offered either qualification courses, or vocational education – basic occupational training, retraining, obtaining another specialty based on the previously acquired educational level, advanced training and specialization.

Vocational training is carried out in a full-time, evening-time, intra-extramural, distance and external form of study, off-the-job and on-the-job, and according to the individual education plans. The term of the occupational training may not exceed 12 months, and advanced qualification training through courses of the designated purpose can be set from 20 to 500 hours.

After successful completion of the full course of study, the ATO participants receive the documents of a state-approved format, and after advanced qualification training – a certificate of a standard form. Now, the groups have been formed and a wide range of institutions is offered. ATO participant also has an opportunity to undergo vocational training in the educational establishment he chose himself.

The following documents should be added to the application form:

a copy of the war veteran identification card or a war disabled veteran identification card;

copies of the documents confirming the direct involvement to ATO tasks in the operational areas.

These documents may include:

order of the Antiterrorist Center at the Security Service of Ukraine or other document confirming the involvement of a person to perform tasks in the area of ATO;

certificate of the direct involvement of the person in ATO, according to the Annex 1 or 2 to the Order of granting war veteran status, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from August 20, 2014, No. 413;

decision of the departmental (or inter-departmental) commission on granting the war veteran status to a person;

certificate of the circumstances of injury (for those who were injured, as a result of hostilities in the ATO area​​);

extract from the record of a military medical commission on establishing causal relation of diseases, injuries, contusions, traumas and mutilations of a former warrior (for persons with disability).

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