The Center for Countering Disinformation at the NSDC of Ukraine has found out that a network of Telegram channels, whose work is coordinated by the kremlin, is operating in the territory of Ukraine.
They are the following: ‘Legitymnyi’, ‘Spletnitsa’, ‘Cartel’, ‘Resident’, ‘Observer’, ‘MediaPost’, ‘Woman with scythe’ and others, the list of which is added and will be supplemented.
We urge you to not use these Telegram channels; not to disseminate information from them, except when the dissemination of this information helps to maintain the fighting spirit of the Ukraine’s Armed Forces, tells about the defeats of the armed forces of the aggressor state, helps to turn information weapons against the enemy.
We would also like to note that several of these channels order advertising in Ukrainian pubs for their own promotion.
Therefore, we draw the attention of the owners and editors of all Ukrainian publications that supporting these channels is work for the enemy, which will be punished according to the laws of wartime!
Glory to Ukraine!