Ukraine defends the world


Kirovohrad wounded Special Forces man Yurii Saveliev prepares for unique operation

January 9, 2015
Courageous warrior already underwent two difficult operations
Kirovohrad wounded Special Forces man Yurii Saveliev prepares for unique operation

In summer 2014, during the holding of combat task in Luhansk region, Sergeant Major of contracted service of 3rd separate regiment of Special Forces Yurii Saveliev was seriously wounded. Combat sworn brothers carried out Yurii from the battlefield and forwarded him into Military-Medical Clinical Center of Northern region in Kharkiv, and later he was moved in Kyiv at neurosurgery department of Main Military Clinical Hospital of the Defence Ministry of Ukraine.

During staying in Main Military Clinical Hospital, courageous warrior already underwent two difficult operations.

The Ukrainian journalists tried to attract public attention to the fate of wounded scout more than once. So, on July 18, 2014, military journalists of Central Organ of Defence Ministry of Ukraine “Narodna Armiia” wrote a feature story “We are in need of helmet, because there isn’t enough for boys…” about Yurii. On October 17, 2014, journalists of TV channel “STB” made a story “To grow a hand” that was shown in programme “Vikna-News”.

His countrymen don’t remain hero alone. So, schoolchildren of Oleksandriv comprehensive secondary school of Kirovohrad region have given support to scout by their letters, and activists of military-sports society “Sokil” transferred him means from charitable concert. Kirovohrad wounded Special Forces man Yurii Saveliev prepares for unique operation

In February 2015, it is planned to do third operation to Yurii – the most complicated and the most important. Doctors have promised to succeed in practically growing a hand from the cells with the using of modern innovation techniques.

In order to render assistance to Yurii Saveliev, you can transfer money on his card (Privatbank 67 62 46 83 20 76 55 26).