Today, at the meeting of the reform committee of the Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces held with the participation of foreign strategic advisers under the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, the Minister of Defence of Ukraine determined five priority directions of the defence reform which will become the focus of efforts.
In particular, in an effort to implement the elaborate HR policy, measures should be taken to keep experienced human resources in the troops (namely, servicemen with combat experience), ensure the constant development and preservation of sergeant personnel, strengthening the body of commissioned officers, offer real possibilities for career growth for all categories of servicemen and increase the level of social protection of servicemen and members of their families.
The second strategic direction outlined by the Minister of Defence of Ukraine – is a sustainable approach in using financial and material resources. For this purpose, a new type of defence planning - based on inherent capabilities, maximize the use of the capabilities of own enterprises to fill the special fund of the Ministry of Defence - should be gradually introduced. Also, the rigorous control over the intended and effective application of financial resources should be enhanced and application of international aid should be optimized.
Thirdly, the General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak noted that Ukraine must join NATO’s collective security system. The last visit of Secretary General of the Alliance to Ukraine testifies to the energetic launch of this process.
The fourth priority of the defence reform is – supplying defence forces with necessary weapons, military and special equipment. Hence, it is necessary to increase production capabilities of enterprises from the defence-industry complex.
The General of the Army of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak defined the fifth priority of the defence reform - the development and improvement of defence infrastructure.