St. Nicolas Day is among the most prominent holidays of the Christian Church. It is celebrated and honored in the West and in the East alike. Children wait for this day with particular impatience, because it is a day of joy and gifts for them.
Among his contemporaries Father Nicolas was known for sanctity, for which he was given the gift of working miracles, as well as mercy and charity. His life was associated with wonder working; while his spiritual experience remains invaluable. People composed legends about the good deeds of St. Nicolas which have been narrated from generation to generation. They tell the story of how St. Nicolas helped the poor and unfortunate and secretly filled the shoes of children with coins and sweets.
We sincerely congratulate reconnaissance men who are participating in the anti-terrorist operation on St. Nicolas Day. Among them, 159 servicemen bear the name of Nicolas, for 206 “Nicolas” is the patronymic name and 27 people are full cavaliers of this name. We wholeheartedly wish you health, goodness, happiness and a great spiritual blessing. May St. Nicolas bless you and your good deeds, as well as bring happiness to your families and welfare to our native Ukraine!