Andrii Cherniak, “Situation for Occupants in Crimea Is Depressing”
September 27, 2023

Andrii Cherniak, “Situation for Occupants in Crimea Is Depressing”Andrii Cherniak, the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, has commented on the intensification of activities aimed at weakening terrorist russia and liberation of the temporarily occupied Crimea for news agency “Defender”.

According to him, the atmosphere among the russian occupiers in the territory of Ukrainian peninsula becomes more and more depressing, in particular, after the “crad trap” operation by the Security and Defence Forces, when the missile attack was launched on the russia’s Headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, based in Sevastopol.

“The “crab trap” provided a serious catch. It can be stated that ambulances, fire engines, and hearses were very active following the attack on the russia’s headquarters of the black sea fleet. So the situation is alarming for the occupiers, and it will remain so for the russians everywhere in Crimea, no matter where they hide the remains of their ships, headquarters or any other objects of the occupation presence,” the DIU representative noted.

He added that Ukrainian military intelligence monitors all movements of the invaders in the territory of Crimea, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine is using these intelligence data.

“So the only safe option for the russians in Crimea is to redeploy away from the Ukrainian peninsula along with all their rusty junk,” Andrii Cherniak.

The representative of Ukraine’s military intelligence also explained the impact of regular “cotton” (explosions) on russia.

“One can see a certain pattern: objects of the russian military industry are burning, in particular – missile industry enterprises; strategic bombers, fighters, and transporters at airfields are exploding, their oil depots and other military objects are on fire facilities such as fsb buildings or military camps with equipment and personnel stationed there,” said Andrii Cherniak, having reminded the existence of a priority list of military targets on the territory of the aggressor state that must be defeated.

“Item by item in this list, marks appear that indicate effective damage or the need to inflict repeated, more vigorous blows,” Andrii Cherniak added.

In addition, the DIU representative said that the code names for the special operations of Ukraine’s military intelligence are invented by executives officers.

“Each such name is intended to emphasize the meaning and symbolism of the operation. For example, the special operation of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine in the territory of Crimea on August 24 of this year was called “Awakening of the Force”. For the first time in ten years of the russian enslavement of Crimea, special forces intelligence men raised the flag of Ukraine, reminding all our citizens under occupation that freedom and the light of Ukrainian Jedi swords are near, and the time has come for the intensification of the resistance movement in the territory of the peninsula, the time has come for the awakening of strength,” Andrii Cherniak said.

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