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North Korea has been supplying shells for the aggressor state for a month and a half, - Kyrylo Budanov

September 14, 2023

North Korea has been supplying shells for the aggressor state for a month and a half, - Kyrylo BudanovThe aggressor state of Russia has been receiving shells from North Korea for a month and a half.

This was reported by the head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Kyrylo Budanov, in a comment to the NV publication regarding the meeting in Russia of two dictators, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.

"When they say that now Putin will write or sign, it's all a lie, because a month and a half ago everything was agreed and the shipment of shells from North Korea started," Kyrylo Budanov explained.

According to his information, North Korea supplies the Russian Federation with 122-mm and 152-mm ammunition for Soviet guns, rockets for the Grad multiple rocket launcher, and a certain number of tank shells.

Kyrylo Budanov noted, that North Korea is capable of producing projectiles in significant quantities, since, unlike Russia, the regime in Pyongyang kept facilities for serial production of weapons.

According to the information of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, russia military-industrial enterprises satisfy the planned needs of the occupying army in projectiles only by 3-7%.

According to Kyrylo Budanov, deliveries of North Korean weapons can in a certain way satisfy the occupiers hunger for ammunition.

The head of the Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine added that the Kremlin seeks to receive million batches of ammunition from North Korea.

"This is such an order. And how much the Koreans will be able to supply quickly is a question," concluded Kyrylo Budanov.