Ukraine defends the world


As a Result of Operation in Belhorod Region, Valuable Information for Ukraine's Military Intelligence Is Collected

May 27, 2023

As a Result of Operation in Belhorod Region, Valuable Information for Ukraine's Military Intelligence Is CollectedThis was said by Andrii Yusov, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, on the air of New Countdown project.

According to the DIU's representative, now the task of the russian guerrillas is to liberate the state from putin's regime. Andrii Yusov also said that the resistance forces operate both in the border villages of russia and the capital area of the aggressor country.

"Their task now, if we are talking about Belhorod region, is to liberate these lands from the domination of the putin's regime, which for the inhabitants of these territories - representatives of different peoples, different nationalities - is obviously a regime of internal occupation. If we are talking about people who have a higher level of political conscience, then this is not even an internal occupation. It is, in fact, a direct external occupation, for example, if we are talking about the peoples of the Caucasus or Tatarstan," he explained.

The intelligence reprsenataive warned that The Ukrainians should not overestimated the kremlin's reaction to the operation of the russian Freedom Legion and the russian Volunteer Corps in Belhorod region in the context of the frontline situation. However, according to him, the russian leadership is still forced to regroup its troops in response to the events in the region. Andrii Yusov called the breakthrough of volunteers across the border an unconditional consequence of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

"Geographical and political names of territories can change. The territory that is currently called the russian federation - it includes various historical lands that were called differently at different stages - today it has this name, but we will see," he emphasised.

The representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine informed that as a result of the operation in Belhorod region, a valuable information for Ukraine's military intelligence was collected, which for obvious reasons will not be disclosed. However, part of this data, which he briefly characterised as "the king is naked", received by the whole world. As Andrii Yusov explained, it is about the exhaustion of the power apparatus of putin and russia's vulnerability to internal attacks.