Ukraine defends the world


Military Journalists Continue Busting Myths, Created by Russian Propagandists

December 13, 2020
Two years ago, news agency of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine “Army INFORM” was established
Military Journalists Continue Busting Myths, Created by Russian Propagandists

Dear combat sworn brothers!

For seven years of Russo-Ukrainian war you have been telling the truth the people, have been informing the public about what is really happening in the east of Ukraine, have been standing for protection of the information sovereignty of Ukraine.

You joined the creation of effective information countermeasures against the enemy which you managed to organize together with the representatives of the Ukrainian and foreign mass media. Thanks to you, the whole world will know about heroism of the Ukrainian defenders.

We wish you successful, creative searches and creative materials! By our joint efforts, we will be able not only to stand against the enemy in information war but also to win it. The truth is on our side!