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russian Military and Shipbuilders Trying to Shift Responsibility to Each Other for Bringing the Only russian Aircraft Carrier to Critical Condition

January 9, 2023

russian Military and Shipbuilders Trying to Shift Responsibility to Each Other for Bringing the Only russian Aircraft Carrier to Critical ConditionThe only russian aircraft carrier, the heavy aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, is in disrepair. To date, the ship is located at the 35th Ship Repair Plant in Murmansk.

The russians decided to move the ship from the dry dock to one of the piers of the ship repair plant to continue the repair works. However, even at the stage of preparation for movement, it turned out that the cruiser was not able to move on its own.

The cruiser also tried to move with the help of several tugs, but this was impossible, too, due to the critical condition of the ship's hull. Ship repairmen warned that the condition of Admiral Kuznetsov does not allow it to be deployed due to the high probability that it would sink or capsize.

During the examination by the diving teams, it was revealed that the metal structures below the third deck of the ship were significantly corroded. The holds are filled with muddy water, which makes it impossible to examine the ship in detail from the inside.

russian officials of the 35th Ship Repair Plant and the fleet command are trying to shift responsibility to each other. Now it is impossible to even establish who exactly decided to move the ship.

The command of the russian fleet has imposed penalties of 1.5 billion roubles on the plant's management for failure to meet repair deadlines and non-fulfilment of the contract. In turn, the company’s management has published a letter stating that the plant was not to blame for bringing the ship to its current state. With a high degree of probability, the military representative at the plant, which supervised the progress of the works, will be found guilty.

According to available intelligence data, there are not even any approximate deadlines for completing the repair of Admiral Kuznetsov and returning it to service.