Ukraine defends the world


The Government approves the Procedure for the organization of social and professional adaptation of ATO participants

June 24, 2017
The Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine informs
The Government approves the Procedure for the organization of social and professional adaptation of ATO participants

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Procedure for the organization of social and professional adaptation of ATO participants, the draft of which was developed by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine with the aim of creating an effective mechanism for organizing vocational training (postgraduate education) as well as providing informational, consulting, career guidance services on these issues to ATO participants.

According to experts from the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, the adoption of the Procedure will allow to:

create an effective mechanism for restoring the professional skills of ATO participants as an integral part of their adaptation to civilian life;

ensure the right of ATO participants to education throughout their lives;

increase the efficiency of solving problematic issues related to civil professional activities which ATO participants experience and to strengthen their competitiveness in the labor market.