The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution "On some issues of payment of 2016 one-time financial aid, provided by the laws of Ukraine "On the status of war veterans and guarantees of their financial protection" and "On the victims of Nazi persecution".
The adopted document defines the amount and order of payment of the annual one-time financial aid to May 5 to combatants, war invalids, war veterans, persons, having special merits to the Motherland, and persons which come within the purview of the Law of Ukraine "On the status of war veterans and guarantees of their social protection ", as well as to the victims of Nazi persecution.
So, according to the decision adopted by the Government, the annual one-time financial aid to May 5, 2016 will be paid in the amounts, as follows:
disabled veterans I group – 2975 UAH, II group – 2600 UAH, III group – 2310 UAH;
combatants – 920 UAH;
persons, having special merits to the Motherland – 2975 UAH;
family members of the perished and wives (husbands) of the deceased combatants and war veterans, who hadn't married again – 465 UAH;
It is also noted that this year the amount of the annual one-time financial aid to May 5 is increased by 5 percent, in comparison with the last year.