DIU Workforce Took Part in Solemn Meeting on the Occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
December 5, 2018
This day, it is celebrated a significant contribution of the Ukrainian army in protection of Motherland
DIU Workforce Took Part in Solemn Meeting on the Occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Traditionally, meeting began with silence minute in honour of perished combat sworn brothers. In order to liberate most part of Donbas from the Russian invaders, military intelligence paid a high price – lives of the best her sons. Remembering sworn brothers, intelligence officers were speaking about the fact that war, forced by the Russian aggressor, has become for us a real national war for justice, for native land, for independence; has become an affair of all and everyone, and it must be completed with our victory.

After festivities, a holiday concert took place.

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