Special Forces Detachments from the kremlin Arrive in the Occupied Territories of Ukraine to “Draw” the Result for putin
February 19, 2024

Defence Intelligence of Ukraine informs that the aggressor state of russia is increasing pressure and intensifying measures to imitate the so-called ‘putin’s elections’ in the occupied territories.

To create a fake picture of ‘support’ for the russian dictator, the occupiers sent specially trained units to the enslaved territories to oversee fraud and monitor the work of the so-called ‘election commissions’.

One of the tasks of these detachments is to report on the readiness of employees of enterprises in the occupied territories to ‘vote’ by 10 March 2024, as well as to provide a forecast of ‘support’ for putin.

The kremlin has also approved a new ‘procedure’ for holding ‘voting’ in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

moscow’s latest handbook stipulates that it is possible to participate in illegal ‘elections’ in the enslaved territories with both russian and Ukrainian passports, ID cards or other identification documents.

This decision demonstrates the failure of forced passportisation in the occupied territories of Ukraine and is another tool of the russian special services to identify ‘unreliable’ Ukrainians for repression.

On instructions from moscow, the occupation administrations and propagandists are actively spreading fakes about alleged ‘85% support putin’ on the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, as well as promoting the so-called ‘mobile voter’ system, which, in particular, allows ‘to vote’ online and ‘without registration’ in the occupied territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions.

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