“Ocheret” Special Operation – a russian Man Has Blown Up Headquarters with Officers from “Shtorm Zet” and Defects to Ukraine
August 20, 2024

“Ocheret” Special Operation – a russian Man Has Blown Up Headquarters with Officers from “Shtorm Zet” and Defects to UkraineAs a result of a successful special operation by the “I Want to Live” project and the “Freedom of russia” Legion called “Ocheret”, a russian serviceman blew up the headquarters of the “Shtorm Zet” battalion officers and defected to Ukraine.

The winter of 2024, a russian FPV pilot with the call sign “Silver” contacted “Freedom of russia” Legion.

According to him, the russian was motivated to cooperate with Ukraine by the systematic war crimes and other crimes committed by the command, including extrajudicial executions, beatings and extortion in the occupation unit.

As part of its cooperation with the russian serviceman, Ukraine was able to obtain valuable intelligence on the location, number and intentions of the enemy in a particular area of the frontline.

“Ocheret” Special Operation – a russian Man Has Blown Up Headquarters with Officers from “Shtorm Zet” and Defects to Ukraine

At a convenient moment, “Silver” threw a grenade into the ventilation hole in the basement of the “Shtorm Zet” unit’s headquarters, where his commander and other russian officers were sleeping.

“In total, there were about 15 people in the basement. In this room, there was a pipe right above the bed where the commander was sleeping. It went out into the street next to the entrance, and we decided to throw a grenade or two into this pipe so that they would explode next to them,” “Silver” said.

After the case was completed, the russian fled via a pre-arranged route and crossed into Ukrainian-controlled territory.

Currently, the russian volunteer has become a recruit of the "Freedom of Russia" Legion in order to fight against putin’s criminal regime.

This is to remind that any russian serviceman can take part in the “I Want to Live” state programme of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War for voluntary surrender.

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