Intelligence Man “Ever”, “Today We Drive Comfortable MEDEVACs, and Tomorrow We Can Sail Boats”
September 16, 2024

The commander of the “Snake” medical group of the International Legion of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine with call sign “Ever” told about the peculiarities of work of his unit.

“Medical evacuation begins with planning. When we enter the sector, we first reconnoiter roads, reconnoiter stabilisation points, evacuation points, and communicate with neighbouring units. And only after that we start to identify our own evacuation points, points of work of MEDEVACs, CASEVACs and send people to the field,” said “Ever”.

Medics of the International Legion are able to work in different conditions — it all depends on a combat mission.

“Today, for example, we can drive comfortable MEDEVACs, and tomorrow we can sail boats, evacuate using quad bikes,” the intelligence man noted.

Watch the video to learn more about those who save the lives of wounded warriors and see exclusive footage of the medics’ work:

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