As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45th separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine

Since the end of May, 2016, it is observed the stepping-up of activities of the enemy’s sabotage-reconnaissance groups (SRGs) in Donetsk, Volnovakha, Mariupol and Sloviansk directions. The commanders and main body of the SRGs finished a special course of sabotage-reconnaissance training on the basis of the 45th separate Special Forces brigade (45th sep SF bde) (Kubinka, Moscow oblast) of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces near Novoazovsk.

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine identified the servicemen of the 45th sep SF bde of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces who were directly involved in training of diversionists, as follows:

Sergeant of contract service of the Russian Armed Forces DEHTIARIOV Serhii Viktorovych (DEGTIARYOV Sergej Viktorovich), leader of the squad of the Special Forces company of the Special Forces battalion of the 45th sep SF bde of the Russian Airborne Forces, was born in 1985, in the town Kumertau, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; place of residence: Moscow oblast, Odintsovo rayon, town of Kubinka, Armeiska Street 15, apt. 23; additional address of possible residence: Nizhny Novgorod oblast, town of Pervomaisk, Oktiabrskaia Street 16, apt. 3;

As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine
Photo: Sergeant of contract service of the Russian Armed Forces DEHTIARIOV Serhii Viktorovych

Junior Sergeant of the contract service of the Russian Armed Forces KALIMULLIN Ilians Raviliovych (KALIMULLIN Ilians Ravilyevich), leader of the Special Forces group’s squad of the Special Forces company of the Special Forces battalion of the 45th sep SF bde of the Russian Airborne Forces, was born in 1993, in the town of Yanaul, Republic of Bashkortostan; place of residence: Moscow oblast, Odintsovo rayon, town of Kubinka, Armeiska Street construction 118; additional address of possible residence: Republic of Bashkortostan, town of Yanaul, Nekrasova Street 9, apt. 77;


As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine
Photo: Junior Sergeant of the contract service of the Russian Armed Forces KALIMULLIN Ilians Raviliovych

Junior Sergeant of the contract service of the Russian Armed Forces KULIEYIEV Oleksandr Petrovych (KULEEV Aleksandr Petrovich), leader of the Special Forces group’s squad of the Special Forces company of the Special Forces battalion of the 45th sep SF bde of the Russian Airborne Forces, was born in 1989, in village of Siziashur, Malopurhinskyi rayon, the Udmurtian Republic, place of residence: Moscow oblast, Odintsovo rayon, town of Kubinka, Armeiska Street construction 118; additional address of possible residence: the Udmurtian Republic, Malopurhinskyi rayon, village of Siziashur, Zarechaia Street, 8;

As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine As to involvement of the servicemen of the 45<sup>th</sup> separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces in stepping-up of sabotage-reconnaissance activity in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine
Photo: Junior Sergeant of the contract service of the Russian Armed Forces KULIEYIEV Oleksandr Petrovych

Private of the of the contract service of the Russian Armed Forces PIEROV Yevhen Dmytrovych (PEROV Evgenij Dmitriyevich), scout-instructor of the Special Forces group of the Special Forces company of the Special Forces battalion of the 45th sep SF bde of the Russian Airborne Forces, was born in 1989, in town of Cheliabinsk, place of residence: Moscow oblast, Odintsovo rayon, town of Kubinka, Armeiska Street construction 118; additional addresses of possible residence: Moscow oblast, town of Podolsk, Vysotnaya Street 9, apt. 55; Chelyabinsk oblast, town of Ozersk, Trudyashchihsya Street 39, apt. 9.

 The snipers, diversionists of the reconnaissance units and the specialists of special radio communications are trained by the servicemen of the 45th separate Special Forces brigade of the Russian Airborne Forces. Moreover, the servicemen of the 45th separate Special Forces brigade of the Russian Airborne Forces have taken direct part in combat raid of the enemy’s sabotage-reconnaissance groups.

We remind that the commander of the 45th separate Special Forces brigade of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Armed Forces is Colonel of the Russian Armed Forces PANKOV Vadym Ivanovych who served in the Ukrainian Armed Forces with due time.

The Defence Intelligence of Ukraine continues to purposefully gather facts considering the participation of the Russian Armed Forces career servicemen who concealing their personal data and using fictitious documents, have participated in the combat actions in the temporarily occupied territories of the East of Ukraine.

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