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Russia Has Used Up to 60 Per Cent of All Its Missiles Since the Beginning of Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

July 21, 2022
Russia Has Used Up to 60 Per Cent of All Its Missiles Since the Beginning of Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

According to Ukraine's military intelligence, the aggressor mostly used ballistic missiles for the "Iskander" complex. In this regard, the use of missiles of this type for strikes on the territory of Ukraine has not been recorded for a long time. This was stated by Vadym Skibitsky, the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, during a briefing on July 21.

"Regarding high-precision weapons, as russia claims, these are the Iskander, Kalibr systems, air-launched cruise missiles - Kh101, Kh555. According to our calculations, 55 to 60% of the pre-war stocks have been used today," said Vadym Skibitskyi.

Due to international sanctions, russia has problems during the production of new missiles. However, it has enough old Soviet stocks.

"These are cruise missiles, the same X22, which, including, have already been used twice from the territory of belarus. Other cruise missiles, a full set of rockets - "Smerch", "Uragan", BM-21 "Hrad", various types of aviation bombs. All that is left of the Soviet Union, and the reserves are very large and it is very difficult to calculate how much is left there," added Vadym Skibitskyi.

The representative of Ukraine’s military intelligence also said that the statement of the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation serhii lavrov that the "special operation" went beyond the borders of the "DPR" and "LPR" means, in particular, the creation of a basis for resolving the status of the temporarily occupied territories in the south of Ukraine.

“What does Lavrov's statement mean, which he made, by the way, other high officials of the russian federation also spoke about such possibilities. It means one thing, now the basis is being created for deciding the fate or deciding the status of the temporarily occupied territories of our state in the south, this is primarily the Kherson region and part of the Zaporizhia region,” Vadym Skibitskyi told.

The representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine added that russia is preparing the international community to help the russian-speaking population, citizens living in the temporarily occupied territories.