Aid needed to the family of the scout
April 5, 2016
A serious illness was diagnosed to a son of the 3rd separate Special Forces regiment service men
Aid needed to the family of the scout

A three-year old Yehor Zaitsev was a cheerful and agile child until recently. Then, he started to complain of the tummy ache. The family immediately consulted the doctors. Computer tomography showed a severe diagnosis – Burkitt's Lymphoma.

"The diagnosis needed confirmation, so, Yehor's tests were made in the laboratory of Oblast Children's Hospital and the OHMADET center, – volunteer Natalia Salimova says. Tests confirmed the oncological disease. "

According to Salimova, the parents were embarrassed to ask for help, but the treatment is expensive and long-lasting, they will not afford it.

Everyone who can help Zaitsev's family, please, remit money to the card account.

Privatbank card 4149 4978 2999 3072 Irina Zaitseva (mother). Mother's mobile phone – 0681921117.

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