Ukraine defends the world


Rashists Trying to Attract Ukrainian youth to the Newly Created Pro-russian Organizations in the Temporarily Occupied Territories

July 22, 2022
Rashists Trying to Attract Ukrainian youth to the Newly Created Pro-russian Organizations in the Temporarily Occupied Territories

The occupation administrations in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region are trying to instill a pro-Russian world view among Ukrainian youth. The so-called ‘military-patriotic education’ became one of the main elements of this policy. For this purpose, ‘public organizations’ such as ‘young builders of the Kherson region’, ‘the youth of Kherson’ and others are actively being formed. The participation of Ukrainian youth in them is increasingly becoming forced. At the same time, the older generation of the region is involved in the newly created organizations ‘Union of Kherson Region’s Mothers’, ‘Organization of Kherson Region’s Veterans’.

In order to create the view of mass support of the occupation regime by local youth, participation in the project ‘your step’, organized by the ‘ministry of the russian federation’ is actively promoted. The ‘federal agency for youth affairs of the russian federation’ has announced the holding of all-russian children's and youth competitions ‘Planet of Great Changes’ and ‘Great Change’ in the occupied territories. At the invitation of representatives of the st. petersburg branch of the all-russian military-patriotic movement ‘Yunarmiya’ on July 31, ‘Yunarmiya’ members from the ‘DPR’ will take part in the main naval parade in st. petersburg.