Greeting from the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Defender of Ukraine
October 14, 2018
Dear colleagues, combat sworn brothers!
Greeting from the Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of Defender of Ukraine

I sincerely congratulate you on holiday, born in fierce battles for Homeland, – on the Day of Defender of Ukraine!

In time of long armed aggression of Russia when Ukraine struggle for its freedom, unification of the Day of Defender of Ukraine and the feast of Intercession of the Holy Mother of God acquired a special meaning for all of us. From the earliest times Holy Mother considers as patroness of the Ukrainian defenders who were fighting for Ukrainian independence for over many centuries. And nowadays we address the Mother of God in our prayers with request for peace and we do everything possible for our victory.

Today, the rebirth of the new state, the strengthening capabilities and combat potential of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the reforming and development of national security sector are actually taking place. As noted Symon Petliura, an outstanding Ukrainian state and military figure: “The force grows in the struggle!”

Significant changes have also taken place in military intelligence in accordance with the progressive standards of EU and NATO. We strengthened, expanded our capabilities, optimized the structure and accomplished re-equipment.

I thank the entire DIU workforce for your considerable contribution to the protection of our country, for your patriotism and high professionalism.

I genuinely wish you good health, well-being, harmony, prosperity, new achievements and victories!

I am confident that we will renew peace on our native land on the way towards European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Nobody will break us, no one will win us!

Glory to Ukraine!

Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine

Lieutenant General Vasyl BURBA

DI of Ukraine
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