Ukraine defends the world


"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War

June 29, 2024

Cyber community activists BO_Team, together with experts of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, continue to attack targets within the aggressor state's territory — destroying critical data and equipment, disrupting operations, causing damages and create a bad mood in russia.


Over the past week:

  • over 100 terabytes of data from OrbitSoft, a software developer that executed contracts for the russian occupying army, were destroyed.
  • All data on eight servers of Orient Systems, a developer and supplier of navigation equipment, were destroyed. The company collaborated with russian military equipment manufacturers, including UAVs.
  • All data on 19 servers of internet providers in the city of nizhnii novhorod ― Linktelecom NN and Access Telecom ― were destroyed.
"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War"Problem Is Large-Scale" ― Ukrainian Cyber Activists Attack russian Companies Supporting the War

All subscribers of these providers have received letters reminding them of the inevitable reckoning for the war against Ukraine.

To be continued!

Glory to Ukraine!