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Vadym Skibitskyi: There Is No Threat from Belarus, but We Monitoring “wagner” PMC

July 24, 2023

Vadym Skibitskyi: There Is No Threat from Belarus, but We Monitoring “wagner” PMCUkraine’s military intelligence is monitoring the nature of activities of the so-called “wagner” PMC in the territory of belarus.

This was stated by the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine in an interview on the channel “We Are Ukraine”.

“Our assessment is very simple: for today there is no direct threat [from the territory of belarus] but we are ready: we are monitoring everything related to the so-called “wagner” PMC. This is a powerful component, which was directly involved in hostilities, it is prepared,” the DIU representative stated.

Vadym Skibitskyi reminded that the russian aggressive dictatorship was unable to immediately neutralize the “wagnerites” during their mutiny.

“They entered the territory of russia at night, and at 7:00 a.m. they had completely control over rostov. It says a lot about the fact that the system of the russian federation itself – no matter what police regime, counter-intelligence regime of power structures was created there – it was not able to immediately stop “wagner” group”, the officer of Ukraine’s military intelligence said.

He added that the purges in the ranks of the aggressor state’s army, which began after the attempted mutiny in russia and are still ongoing, will not give the desired result for the enemy.

"The purges are unlikely to change the situation in the russian army, because morale is very low, especially among those who are on the front line," ― he explained.

Vadym Skibitskyi also expressed hope that prigozhyn's mercenary-terrorists will no longer take part in hostilities against Ukraine, although Ukrainian intelligence is considering various scenarios of the development of events.

“We understand where the enemy is. Accordingly, we are conducting ISR. All necessary information is reported, conclusions are drawn and appropriate actions are taken to neutralize this threat if it continues to grow,” the DIU representative concluded.