President of Ukraine on the Day of Military Intelligence: Thanks to Intelligence Officers and All Our Defence and Security Forces, Ukrainians Feel that We Can Beat Russia
September 7, 2023

President of Ukraine on the Day of Military Intelligence: Thanks to Intelligence Officers and All Our Defence and Security Forces, Ukrainians Feel that We Can Beat RussiaOn the Day of Military Intelligence of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi met with servicemen of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and presented high state awards.

"We are proud of each of your operations, your heroism, your talent for inflicting exactly the kind of blows that actually weaken the enemy on a daily basis! Thanks to you, we know what the enemy is planning. We know his mood, his weaknesses. Thanks to you and all our defence and security forces, Ukrainians feel that we can defeat Russia in the war and that it will be a historic achievement of modern generations of Ukrainians," the Head of State emphasized.

On behalf of himself and all Ukrainians, the President expressed gratitude to the military intelligence officers for every day of their difficult, dangerous and important work, although most of its elements cannot be discussed openly.

"Thank you for your extraordinary bravery on the frontline. For your operations against the enemy - wherever it is needed. Thank you for your help to other warriors of the defence and security forces of Ukraine - whenever it is needed. For your help and supply of weapons for Ukraine. Thank you for your brilliant operations in different parts of the world aimed exclusively at the interests of Ukraine and Ukrainians," Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.

The President emphasized that our society remembers all the achievements of Ukrainian intelligence officers - from Afghanistan to Africa and other continents - and is grateful for their work to liberate Ukrainian warriors and civilians from russian captivity. The Head of State emphasized that all citizens of Ukraine can be sure that no matter where they are in trouble, the employees of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine will come to their aid.

The attendees also observed a minute of silence in memory of all military intelligence officers who gave their lives for Ukraine.

On the occasion of the Day of Military Intelligence, the President presented state awards to the DIU servicemen.

In particular, Volodymyr Zelenskyi handed the Gold Star Order to the wife of Lieutenant Colonel Oleh Babii, who was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine. Oleh Babii took an active part in the destruction of russian troops from the beginning of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. Since March 2022, he organized and carried out special activities in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and in the enemy's territory. The successful completion of tasks by his group helped to disorganize the occupiers' logistics, destroy their important facilities and elements of critical infrastructure. In August 2023, the group led by Oleh Babii engaged in a battle with the russian Federal Security Service, during which 15 FSS servicemen were killed and enemy equipment was damaged. The Lieutenant Colonel was mortally wounded.

The Head of State also presented the intelligence men with the Presidential decoration "Cross of Combat Merit", the Orders of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi of the III degree, the Orders "For Courage" of the I and III degrees, the Order of Princess Olga of the III degree, the medal "For Military Service to Ukraine", the medal "For Saved Life" and the shoulder boards of the highest military ranks.

In particular, the President promoted Chief of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov to the rank of Lieutenant General and presented him with the appropriate shoulder boards.

After the ceremony, Volodymyr Zelenskyi inspected modern models of military and special equipment in service with the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine. These include communication systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, helicopters of various types and equipment.

In particular, the Head of State got acquainted with the DIU's experience in evacuating the wounded. According to the representatives of the Defence Intelligence, after the victory, this experience can become the basis for the creation of a system of civil aeromedical evacuation in all regions of Ukraine using helicopters of entirely domestic production.

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