Ukraine defends the world


Intelligentsia from Central Regions of russia Falls under putin’s Mobilization

September 26, 2022
Intelligentsia from Central Regions of russia Falls under putin’s Mobilization

As a result of russian aggression against Ukraine, the leadership of the aggressor country has already significantly reduced the number of representatives of its small nations. Among the killed occupiers, slightly less than 40% were representatives of non-Slavic ethnic groups.

The five regions with the most significant number of victims included the Republics of Dagestan and Buriatiyia, Krasnodar Territory, Bashkortostan, and Volhohrad region. The figures also show a disproportionate ratio: the number of perished soldiers from poor regions (where ethnic communities live) is much higher than developed ones.

According to the estimates of Ukraine’s military intelligence, after the signing of the decree on mobilization by the president of occupation country, the map of mortality in the regions will significantly change. Summonses are received by thousands of representatives of the intelligentsia and private business from the central regions of russia and giant industrial enterprises. If the working professions are still provided with postponements from the draft, the russian intelligentsia will become fertilizer for the Ukrainian black soil.

By finally destroying citizens who can perceive the collapse of russian statehood, the kremlin dictator hopes to get rid of protests against the war and the senseless death of hundreds of thousands of the russians.