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Occupiers Do Not Pay Compensation for the Killed Mobilized People from LPR, DPR and Burn the Russians Bodies

March 16, 2022
Occupiers Do Not Pay Compensation for the Killed Mobilized People from LPR, DPR and Burn the Russians Bodies

In the temporarily occupied Luhansk, a point of extradition of the bodies of the dead “mobilized” residents of the occupied territories has been opened in the “Kopiika” store. The so-called "police" of the russian occupation army hand over the bodies. At the same time, only death certificates and burial permits are issued to relatives of the victims. There are no documents on where, how and under what circumstances they died.

Relatives are explained that no payments for the deaths of those mobilized from the LPR and DPR are provided, even with a russian passport. At the same time, relatives of the officially killed russians are promised a payment of 12 million rubles. This attitude causes outrage among the local population, but the "police" of the occupiers do not pay attention to these sentiments.

In the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk region, forced recruitment to the 1st Army Corps of occupants continues. The vast majority of "recruits" are sent to the hottest spots without proper training. They are mostly used on the frontline to clear obstacles and dig trenches. There is an extremely low level of provision and lack of food. Losses among "recruits" reach 70-80%.

To hide the real number of the dead, the occupiers are using the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant to burn the corpses of local "recruits" and volunteers who came from russia. The exact number of burns is unknown.