Intelligence officers Took Part in Command-Post Exercise of the Operational Command “South” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
August 7, 2018
In the course of the event, intelligence officers improved their skills for performing assigned tasks
Intelligence officers Took Part in Command-Post Exercise of the Operational Command “South” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Recently, a command-post exercise has been held with department of the operational command “South” on subject: “Command and control of troops (forces) in the course of repulsing armed aggression in one of the operational directions” under the guidance of Chief of the Joint Operational Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Apart from the organs of military command and control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, representatives of other components of security and defence of Ukraine sector, in particular, operational groups of the National Police of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the State Special Transport Service, the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection of Ukraine etc. took part in the event.

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