On December 15, 2024, during battles in the Zaporizhzhya region, a Russian mercenary from Algeria, Taleb Nabil, who fought against Ukraine as part of the aggressor state Russia's army, was killed.
Taleb Nabil was recruited by the Russians from the ranks of the Russian military contingent in Algeria at the beginning of March 2024.
In June-July, the Algerian joined combat operations against Ukraine in Donbas. In September, he informed his relatives that he was "going deeper into Ukrainian territory for the war."
The sister of the slain mercenary, Taleb Nabil, claims that the Russians recruited her brother to fight against Ukraine through deceit.
“At first, his acquaintance said they would be sent to Europe, and he wanted to go to Europe. But then [Nabil] realized that his acquaintance had deceived him, and he was only offered to sign a one-year contract with the Russian army. They promised that after a year of service, he would receive Russian citizenship and a monthly salary. Eventually, they flew directly from Algeria to Russia”, the woman said.
According to her, along with Taleb Nabil, there were two more mercenaries from Algeria within the Russian occupation forces – they were also killed.
As of December 18, 2024, the identities of 22 Russian mercenaries from Algeria have been confirmed.