Andrii Cherniak: russia Forcibly Mobilize About 60,000 Males in Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine
July 31, 2023

Since the beginning of 2022, the aggressor state russia has forcibly mobilized from 55,000 to 60,000 males to its army in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

This was stated by Andrii Cherniak, the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, in a comment for “Donbas Realities” programme on Radio Svoboda.

“This is a violent mobilization: the occupiers caught people in the street, they came to the few enterprises that were still working and forcibly took people away ― they simply changed clothes and sent them to the front. They promised that they would be on the second or third line, but in fact people ended up on the front line,” the representative of Ukraine’s military intelligence said.

In addition, the terrorist russia is recruiting students from the temporarily occupied territories in the occupying troops.

“A person went to class in the morning and two days later he already fights. Strictly speaking, russia does not consider the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk regions human, so the occupiers do not care, the laws do not apply. The only real possibility [to survive] is to surrender immediately, at the first opportunity,” Andrii Cherniak said.

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