“Navy Seals” Are Pride of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
October 7, 2019
Today, the reconnaissance personnel of the 73rd Naval Special Forces Center celebrates the establishment of their military unit
“Navy Seals” Are Pride of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Since the first days of the Russian military aggression, you have been honestly and selflessly defending the Ukrainian land, constantly risking your own life. High level of training, combination of experience and persistency help you nowadays to perform combat tasks at high level in any conditions. Thanks your professionalism and bravery, hundreds of occupants have been annihilated and thousands of Ukrainian patriots have been saved.

We bow low to cherished memory of servicemen of the Center, who perished for the sake of independence of Ukraine. Names of everyone will remain in our memory forever.

We express You the words of gratitude for joint struggle against the enemy of Ukraine. We wish you good health and inspiration for the sake of protecting Homeland!

Glory to Navy Seals! Glory to Ukraine!

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