Ukraine defends the world


December 4, 2015 The awards were granted during the solemn events on the occasion of the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
December 4, 2015 After giving all the necessary documents, the discharged will receive address financial aid
December 3, 2015 The pupils of Tokariv school located in Kharkiv region joined to Nationwide Campaign “Children – to ATO warriors”
December 3, 2015 Sergeant Yevhen Burko died carrying out combat mission in the area of anti-terrorist operation
December 2, 2015 The press-center of the ATO headquarters informs about it
December 2, 2015 Citizens of Vinnytsia and Volyn oblasts made another contribution to the victory of Ukraine
December 1, 2015 It was held a solemn opening of Alley of ATO Heroes in Ternopil region
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