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Crimean Blogger-Collaborator in His Post Talked about Preparation of russians to Blow Up Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant

June 10, 2023

Oleksandr Talipov, a Crimean blogger-collaborator, has revealed the details of the occupiers' preparation to blow up the Kakhovka HPP in the post on his Telegram channel.

In particular, Talipov was outraged by the publications of the so-called russian 'military bloggers', who informed that the occupiers' personnel were abandoned on the islands and they "were in critical condition and almost climbed trees." Actually, as Talipov explained, it's a fake, "I contacted our guys. Everyone got off the island. Nobody was there at 3:00 a.m. There are no losses. That's why, all information published in this thread is a blatant lie."

This is a direct evidence that the russian military knew about the future terrorist act and announced the evacuation in advance.

There is a high probability that after the wide dissemination of this information, Talipov will be traditionally tried to be declared an 'enemy of the people' or an 'agent of the Ukrainian special services'. However, the number of such testimonies is increasing. All of them will become additional evidence at the future tribunal.

Oleksandr Talipov is a Crimean z-blogger. He is a founder and author of the "Crimean Smersh" resource, which is engaged in persecuting pro-Ukrainian residents of Crimea.