Kefin Tulip On Combat “Magura” ― Artist Rustem Skybin Painted Surface Drone of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine
September 13, 2024

Kefin Tulip On Combat “Magura” ― Artist Rustem Skybin Painted Surface Drone of the Defence Intelligence of UkraineArtist, Honoured Master of Folk Art of Ukraine Rustem Skybin turned the Magura V5 naval drone into an art object ― now one of the drones of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, which will destroy russian warships, has a Crimean Tatar combat ornament on board.

The artist based it on the Crimean or Kefin tulip, which symbolises a young man, a defender.

The creative composition on the striking marine drone stands for valour, the will to win and the allied support.

The art project with the “Magura” aims to remind us of Ukraine’s successes during the war with russia in the Black Sea, achieved by the skill of our soldiers and technological weapons.

This is to remind that MAGURA V5 is the world’s first and currently only surface drone to destroy enemy warships in combat conditions.

Among the advantages of the Ukrainian drone is its unique hydrodynamic body, which provides high manoeuvrability and camouflage during missions.

The artistic painting of hull of the MAGURA V5 drone was held in support of the Crimean Platform Summit.

Thanks to this innovative weapon, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine’s Special Forces personnel have already hit 18 russian warships and vessels off the coast of Crimea, nine of which were completely destroyed. The total damage caused to the aggressor by the Maguras is estimated at over half a billion dollars.

The struggle continues!

Crimea will be free!

Glory to Ukraine!

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of the artistic “Magura” ― artist Rustem Skybin and the “Dracarys” workshop, Viacheslav Vishtal and the “Onsdag Engrave” company, and cameraman Mykhailo Sukhomlyn.

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