In the Armenian information space, in particular, in telegram channels, fake news is being spread accusing the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine of allegedly trying to inspire or facilitate the outbreak of an armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
The disseminators of disinformation "justify" that a new Azerbaijani-Armenian war will force russia to open a "second front" and thus disperse its military forces, which will be in Ukraine'sUkraine's favor.
The information operation was based on a fake report allegedly from the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine addressed to Deputy Defense Minister Ivan Havryliuk.
The paper contained a number of gross errors ("Yvan" instead of Ivan, "SDR" instead of EDRPOU, etc.) and did not meet Ukraine's requirements for official documents.
This information operation is aimed at discrediting Ukraine and deteriorating Ukrainian-Armenian and Ukrainian-Azerbaijani relations, which is primarily beneficial to the aggressor state of russia.