Ukraine defends the world


Intelligence Officers Identify russian War Criminals, who Attacking Ukraine with Cruise Missiles. LIST OF IDENTIFIED RUSSIAN WAR CRIMINALS

May 13, 2024

Intelligence Officers Identify russian War Criminals, who Attacking Ukraine with Cruise Missiles. LIST OF IDENTIFIED RUSSIAN WAR CRIMINALSDIU operatives and analysts have identified the personnel of the command and control of the units of the 22nd heavy bomber aviation division of the russian aerospace forces (military unit 06987, engels airfield, saratov region) involved in launching missile strikes on Ukraine’s civilian infrastructure.

The 22nd heavy bomber aviation division includes the 121st and 52nd heavy bomber aviation regiments (HBARs):

121st HBAR – military unit 85927, engels airfield in the saratov region, Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers;

52nd HBAR – military unit 33310, shaikovka airfield in the kaluga region, Tu-22M3 long-range bombers.

The personnel of the division directly involved in planning, organizing and carrying out the shelling of Ukrainian territory with air-launched cruise missiles Kh-22/Kh-32 (Tu-22M3) and Kh-101/Kh-555/Kh-55 (Tu-95MS/Tu-160) has been identified.

These pilots are responsible for numerous casualties and devastation in Ukraine as a result of the criminal missile terror that they carry out from russian territory.

This to remind that there would be a fair retribution for every war crime committed against Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine!