Ideological. Devoted. Professional.
March 2, 2018
Professional non-commissioned corps is a very important element in the newest Ukrainian army
Ideological. Devoted. Professional.

According to an order of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine, the Day of Sergeant is celebrated today in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

This holiday determines a special role of non-commissioned staff regarding the establishment of the modern combat-capable Ukrainian troops. The future of the Armed Forces is ideological, devoted to Ukraine and professionally prepared sergeants and sergeants major.

Modern reconnaissance sergeant is not only a courage warrior but also a commander-leader, who is capable to make a right decision, is able to muster all strength and the strength of entrusted him unit in order to reach the main purpose – victory in the war against aggressor.

We wish the whole non-commissioned staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine health, belief and endurance in the struggle for independent, sovereign Ukrainian state!

DI of Ukraine
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