Ukraine defends the world


“If only there was no war”

December 25, 2016
The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine invites all to visit a project under such a name
“If only there was no war”

146 heroes, 122 stories about the lives of 97 “ordinary” people who live among us and about 25 angels who are looking after us from the sky. These stories are about how the war mutilates bodies but glorifies souls. They are about why severe wounds are no reason to give up. These stories are about people who despite all the odds do not lose their ability to love and dream. They are about love, in spite of war. These stories demonstrate that one does not necessarily have to be a serviceman in order to defend one’s own land. Neither is it necessary to be a man, in order to hold a weapon in your hands. Or to be a Ukrainian, in order to defend Ukraine. These stories are about those who gave their most valuable possession – their lives, to the one and only and our much loved Ukraine.