How Reconnaissance Men Live at “Closed” Garrison?
July 11, 2019
A material of military journalists describes how the process of building of dormitory complex for the warriors of one of the reconnaissance battalions is ongoing
How Reconnaissance Men Live at “Closed” Garrison?

Shortly, more than two hundred reconnaissance men will celebrate house-warming in new dormitory which can be hardly called barracks. House builders are working actively. Two-storey buildings, rooms of block-type, own toilet accommodation. There are a kitchen with western standard renovation and a laundry room separately on the floor.

Needs in dormitories for this unit is of utmost importance for a long time. The reconnaissance battalion is a young and formed, as it’s said, in battles. Several years ago, the battalion was deployed at the territory of disbanded military unit. And reconnaissance men faced a number of problems.

You can learn more information about the construction progress in the material of journalists of the “ArmiiaInform” information agency of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.

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