It became a good tradition to help country-men scouts
December 2, 2015
Citizens of Vinnytsia and Volyn oblasts made another contribution to the victory of Ukraine
It became a good tradition to help country-men scouts

Thanks to the charitable aid of the citizens, warm clothes, underwear, bedclothes, shoes, food, personal hygiene products and medicaments were gathered in the newspaper editorial office “RIA-Koziatyn”. Volunteers sent the things to the East in parts, and warriors, who guested in the office, have never left it with empty hands. A scout, Vitalii Ilchuk has also taken a package from the citizens of Koziatyn to ATO. Along with warm clothes and blankets, the volunteers bought gifts for St.Nicholas Day to the deep reconnaissance company, where Vitalii serves. The scout has also taken letters and pictures from Koziatyn children.

The scouts of the 14th separate mechanized brigade will soon receive a parcel with another aid. The volunteers from Volyn sent the warriors antiviral drugs, thermos flasks, tea, warm clothes and vitamins.

The reconnaissance men sincerely thank all the not indifferent Ukrainians who actively support our military men – sons, men, fathers, grandfathers, and promise to definitely come back alive.

DI of Ukraine
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