Actions by Ukraine Have Limited the Activities of the russian Fleet in the Black Sea
May 25, 2022

Actions by Ukraine Have Limited the Activities of the russian Fleet in the Black SeaThe Armed Forces of Ukraine have forced the russian fleet to avoid approaching the coast of our state. This was stated by Vadym Skibitskyi, the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, on the air of “Crimea.Realities” Radio Svoboda project.

“They have become cautious, but their naval group today, unfortunately, provides full control of the Sea of Azov, and this is understandable, along with the Kerch Strait. They are currently blocking our ports in the Black Sea. There only one goal is to harm us in economic plan in order to prevent functioning ports as economic zones. To prevent the flow of goods, both in the territory of Ukraine and from the territory of our ports, and to maintain readiness for employment of the largest landing warships, other ships in the case of an amphibious operation. But I’ll say again, our actions have forced them to limit their activities of the russian Black Sea Fleet to date,” the representative of Ukraine’s military intelligence said.

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