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Parts of Iranian-Made UAVs Were Manufactured after Full-Scale russia’s Invasion

November 8, 2022

Parts of Iranian-Made UAVs Were Manufactured after Full-Scale russia’s InvasionRepresentatives of Ukraine’s military intelligence have obtained information that may indicate that iranian-made drones were supplied to russia after 24th February.

“An airscrew of the Mohajer-6 drone was manufactured only in February this year. It was just manufactured. And it also took time to deliver it to the russian federation. That is, they were delivered this year,” said Vasyl, a representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, for Suspilne.

The iranian-made Mohajer is assembled from parts produced in different countries. Most of the components are from the USA. The UAV also has an Austrian engine and a Japanese camera. “No russian elements were found in the drone. One element has an inscription in Farsi (a modern Persian language that has official status in Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan). A visible-range camera was made in Japan. A laser rangefinder was made in China. An aerial bomb was produced in iran," the representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine told.

Ukrainian specialists are studying how foreign-made components were used in iranian drones. Employees of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine have already transferred the serial numbers and information about manufacturers of components to the partner countries.