Landing on Kinburn – DIU Special Forces Personnel Destroyed Dozens of Invaders and Their Equipment on Kinburn Spit
August 9, 2024

On August 9, 2024, as a result of a raid on the Kinburn Spit, occupied by russians, six units of enemy armoured vehicles were destroyed and about three dozen invaders were eliminated.

The landing operation on the Kinburn Spit was conducted by the ‘Khimera’, ‘Aratta’, ‘Stuhna’, ‘Paragon’, ‘Terror’ and ‘Siberian Battalion’ units of the DIU’s ‘Tymur’ Special Forces unit with the support of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in cooperation with other components of the Ukrainian Security and Defence Forces.

During the operation on the spit, Special Forces men attacked russian fortifications at their positions ‘Kinburn Fortress’, ‘marine station’ and ‘monument to ‘suvorov’.

The warriors of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine planted a battle flag of the Military Intelligence of Ukraine on the monument to suvorov.

The Kinburn Spit will be free, like all other temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Glory to Ukraine!

DI of Ukraine
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