Ukraine defends the world


State programme “Own house” and how to obtain money for housebuilding in village

July 30, 2017
This information is presented in an article of the “Narodna armiyia” newspaper of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
State programme “Own house” and how to obtain money for housebuilding in village

To date, the programme “Own house” is the only state programme which gives opportunity to improve the living conditions of villagers who are in need of it. Among those who are provided a credit of high priority for housebuilding, – are the ATO participants and persons who come within the purview of the Law of Ukraine “On status of the war veterans, the guarantees of their social protection” as well as citizens who are being registered as internally displaced persons, etc.

You can learn more about conditions of the programme in the new article of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine “Narodna Armiyia”.