Donetsk Airport is Territory of Fortitude
January 17, 2019
Four years ago, attention of every Ukrainian was riveted on news that covered struggle of victorious defenders of airport
Donetsk Airport is Territory of Fortitude

It was then when despite mass barrage and devastating fire of the enemy they were holding on, not having yielded. For this, they were named as “cyborgs”. Final stage of airport defence can be outlined by following phrase: “People withstood but concrete broke down”… Since then, Ukraine in January annually has honored its heroes with gratitude and sorrow.

To the fourth anniversary of heroic defence of Donetsk airport, within exhibition project “Ukrainian East. On the firing line”, all those who want will have an opportunity to take part in thematic event “Donersk Airport is Territory of Fortitude. Literary and Museum Essays”.

The events will be held on January 17-23.

During the event, the researchers of museum will present personal stories of those who can become prototypes of heroes of “Airport” book, written by Serhii Loiko, – an example of adamantine will and unconquerable courage.

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