Title of Honorary Citizen of Town is Posthumously Bestowed to Four Perished Inhabitants from Cherkasy
October 19, 2018
Deputies of Cherkasy Council voted for this decision
Title of Honorary Citizen of Town is Posthumously Bestowed to Four Perished Inhabitants from Cherkasy

Yesterday, Deputies of Cherkasy Council unanimously voted for awarding the title “Honorary Citizen of Cherkasy town” to Hennadii Nemtsov, Oleksandr Kachur, Oleksandr Shapoval and Serhii Syrotenko, perished while repulsing the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine.

Among the awardees – Oleksandr Shapoval – a commander of a reconnaissance platoon of the 74th separate reconnaissance battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine who perished while performing a combat task in the area of anti-terrorist operation.

Heroes do not die! They live as long as we remember them!

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