Competition for Wounded Ukrainian Warriors is Announced, Which will be Held in 2019
November 5, 2018
A relevant briefing was held in the Ukrainian Crisis Media Center
Competition for Wounded Ukrainian Warriors is Announced, Which will be Held in 2019

During the briefing it was announced that Ukraine will take part in US Marines Marathon in October next year for the fourth time. Selection requirements will be announced at the beginning of the year.

Also in 2019, it is planned participation of Ukrainians in footmarch in Scotland, during which it is necessary to overcome distance in 40, 54 or 84 kilometers during 24 hours.

Among the competitions, which will be conducted in Ukraine, is “Veteran dozen” within the framework of Kyiv and Khmelnytskyi marathons, in the course of which the participants have to surmount distance in 10 kilometers.

In addition, the Ukrainian footmarch with the participation of wounded servicemen from other countries is planned to conduct in July 2019 in Ivano-Frankivsk.

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