Hundreds of specialists of high professional level have been trained at the Academy over twenty-five year time span.
Since that time when aggressor set boot on the Ukrainian land, military diplomacy decisively made a stand for the state and united reputable international coalition in the interests of Ukraine.
As the Ukrainian warriors-heroes, who are counteracting the offensive operation of the most powerful army of the world, the academy’s alumni armed themselves with truth about Ukraine and just struggle against aggressor and are worthy countering the attack of hybrid lies and Kremlin’s propaganda.
Facts of the military aggression against Ukraine, provided to the international community by military diplomats, approach a moment to make the Kremlin’s aggressor responsible for in international courts.
To date, one of the key tasks for military diplomats is to release all political prisoners and captives who are detaining by the Russian authority.
We wish the Academy’s staff and military-and-diplomatic service of Ukraine further professional strengthening, creative inspiration and energy for new achievements for the benefits of Ukraine!