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Occupiers May Plan Terrorist Attack on August 24, during ‘Trial’ of Ukrainian Heroes in Mariupol

August 19, 2022

Occupiers May Plan Terrorist Attack on August 24, during ‘Trial’ of Ukrainian Heroes in MariupolOn Ukraine’s Independence Day, russian invaders plan to hold a show trial of captured defenders of Azovstal. To this end, the premises of the Mariupol Chamber Philharmonic are being urgently remodeled as iron cages are being installed on the stage. Several other temporary structures are also being erected next to the philharmonic premises.

To add the appearance of "legitimacy" to the event, the invaders are preparing trained "witnesses" and bringing in representatives of the ruscist’s mass media.

According to one of the possible scenarios that the rushists are looking into, is delivering a pinpoint missile attack on the premises. If such a plot is implemented, the rushists will try to shift the blame for the committed crime onto Ukraine – in their traditional way.